Member: cas
Date: 6/9/2002
Time: 7:17:07 PM


Member: Donnie M (D.O.S. 3-1-99)
Location: Short Gap, W.Va.
Date: 6/9/2002
Time: 8:05:37 PM


I did not think I would be first. I was thinking of the topic of: How do you pray ? I will type my response later thanks for sharing.

Member: Robin A
Location: Florida
Date: 6/9/2002
Time: 8:14:49 PM


LOL-Prayer and Meditation is on the 12X12 meeting-step 11. I have difficulty with the getting on the knees part-I am still working this out with myself, as I have heard it makes a huge difference in life if you can humble yourself to G~d. My sponsor says Prayer is "talking to G~d" and Meditation is "listening to G~d" (of course, the G~d of your understanding, that is) I do do those things-but in my own fashion-when I take the time to breathe and say the serenity prayer and to ask G~d for help in staying sober for the coming day and also by thanking him every night for keeping this alcoholic sober for another day. Works for me. But it may get EVEN BETTER if I get down on my knees when I pray. I will try that tonight as I am going thru tough times right now-and my G~d is keeping me sober every day.

Member: Tracy
Location: olympia wa
Date: 6/9/2002
Time: 9:26:44 PM


all i got to say is pages 84 through 88 in the big book, tells exactly how to pray and meditate

Member: Bonny G
Location: Hot Springs, AR
Date: 6/9/2002
Time: 10:49:42 PM


Bonny, grateful recovering alcoholic. Thanks Donnie for the topic on "how do you pray." I did the foxhole prayers when drinking, I thought I was suppose to ask God to get me out of all my situations, and that He would. Today I ask for guidance, let me be of use to others, help me to do the next right thing. The Big Book tells me that I'll intuitively know the the right next step. I perfer to believe that God is guiding my steps and allowing me to make the right choices today. Rather it's an on your knees prayer or a quiet moment in the ladies room, I do believe that God is still listening to me today. I've grown enough in the program of AA to rest, be still, and wait upon the Lord. I don't have burning bushes or crystal balls, when things are in their rightful place, there is a peace unsurpassed about the situation I'm in. Quiet mediation each morning helps my day go better. I was once told to throw my shoes under the bed at night and each morning as long as I was there on my knees, to go ahead and ask for guidance for the day ahead of me.

Member: Maureen W.
Location: Oregon
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 2:25:09 AM


all I know is this---God listens to our prayers. Do we listen to him?

Member: Maureen W.
Location: oregon
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 2:34:08 AM


Maybe I should say, God hears our prayers. Do we hear Him? all i know is that He loves you!

Member: Sally
Location: Atlanta
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 5:08:08 AM


Dear Maureen (and others) -- your god may be responsive, but mine certainly isn't.

Member: Donnie M (D.O.S. 3-1-99)
Location: Short Gap, W.Va.
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 7:17:47 AM


Hi to all. I am Donnie and I am an alcoholic and I swear I did not look at the 12x12 meeting before I chose the topic of prayer. But, that is exactly how I have found God communicates with us and I don`t try to make sense out of it. I found myself taking my last drink on a set of church steps and at the time this thing called prayer was the last thing I wanted in my life because I had blamed God for all of my problem`s from my family illness and my illnesses and everything else even my drinking problems. To get back to my last drink I found myself asking God to either to take me out of the world or to help me to change my life. I am not saying I had a great awakening or anything like that, but I do know something happened that night because when I got up to walk home I started to dump out my beer I had with me and when I got home I dumped the rest down the sink and the change had happened. I think God heard me asking honestly for the first time probably since I was nine or ten years of age. I now attend that church and have shared my fifth step with my pastor and he understands the 12 step program and is another tool AA has given me to fight this daily problem we all face. To sum it all up I said the foxhole prayers for years and I really did`nt think of it any different that last night, but I guess God must have thought I need a little more help and I will never forget to thank him for pulling me out of the hell I had lived on earth and brought me to be a productive person in AA and to the world. Thanks for letting me share and if anybody has`nt told you today that they loved you. I just did and remember pray works and God bless all.

Member: Littlebuddie
Location: PA and FLA
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 7:36:41 AM


I feel that one can pray in anway one feels comfortable. There is no write or wrong way to pray. Remeber the big book is just a guidline of how situations are handled. Self expression is supposed to be just that (SELF). Pray the way you feel comfortable.

Member: Terry
Location: Midwest
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 8:48:34 AM


Member: Terry
Location: Midwest
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 9:04:28 AM


Praying is as easy as talking to a friend. Just say how you really feel. God understands our shyness,and will always listen.You may not always get the ansewer your looking for,if any at all.Believe in his power,live by the 12 s s teps and your life WILL become more managable.I have regained my life and things have never been better for me.All it took was a little faith & alot of prayer (keep comin back)

Member: Anne S
Location: NY
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 9:06:45 AM


Hi, Anne here, alcoholic. I do not pray, and I am afraid that will be a stumbling block in my sobriety journey. For now, my HP is the people at the meetings and the people here. For my entire life I have grappled with the concept of a god, and have still not been able to believe in one (or many, for that matter). I know, I know, how did we get here if there isn't a god, right? But I am the type who needs proof, so I find this very difficult. I am reading a book about different religions; I would like to believe, but can't find it (yet?) within me.

Member: Scott R
Location: NS Canada
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 9:16:21 AM


Hi I'm scott and I'm an alcoholic. How do I pray? Any which way I can! I find it humbles me to get on my knees and pray, so I do it. I usually say the serenity prayer and then ask my HP to "guide me to the people, places and things I need to do thy will for me." It seems to work. I also do some yoga to get relaxed. This something new for me and definitely doesn't replace the usual stuff but I definitely find it good to slow down my thinking so I can be open to prayer and the lines of communication with my HP. Good topic. Thanks.

Member: Craig L (
Location: Aloha, Oregon
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 10:32:54 AM


While I was in my disease, I tried to “will” things to be as I thought they should be and called that prayer. While I was in the detox unit for the last time I just felt like I wanted to be doing something more toward recovery, so I recited and memorized the 3rd step prayer (Page 63). It didn’t mean much then, but I was so completely defeated I did it anyway. Today I consider prayer to be the most powerful item in my kit of AA tools. The 12th step tells me to attempt practicing the principles in all me affairs, I have great success with turning to God throughout the day, driving to work, mowing the lawn, shopping….. When I find myself spinning, I turn back to God. Gratitude for life and the things that come my way is also helpful. The truth is I don’t do anything perfectly, but I am grateful, sober and Joyful today thanks to the gift of the steps.

Member: Melanie C
Location: Yorkshire, England
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 10:58:40 AM


I just talk to God like I used to talk to my imaginary friends when I was drinking! Although I don't know what God is (does anyone!?) I do know there is a power greater than me, otherwise I would never have managed to stop drinking or do all the other wonderful things I have been able to do in my life since I came into the fellowship 6 years ago. I pray anywhere - walking around in the street, on the bus, in my room, on the loo - and I just ask this Power to keep me sober and sane for the day. I am praying more at the moment because I am going abroad to work for the summer and I've never flown (eek!) or travelled further than 50 miles on my own - but if I stay in conscious contact with God as I understand him, there's no need for me to be alone. If you think you have nothing to pray for... please pray for me! God bless you all xxx

Member: Melissa r.
Location: Ohio
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 1:31:49 PM


melissa, alcoholic here. I think prayer is what got me into the rooms in the first place. You know, those desperate kinda prayer, God, please help me! I asked for over a year because I knew I was spiralling out of control, but I didn't want to give up control. I finally did, and do on a daily basis. I know I'll never be out of the woods, so I must pray every day and ask for my reprieve. Thank you to my HP, I could never say it enough. Happy flying melanie, you'll enjoy it!

Member: Tracy
Location: olympia wa
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 1:49:29 PM


i really try to use page 86 of the big book on daily basis, i have been doing it for years, it works,i do it whether i want to or not. i know for me and only for me, i need direction, i have tried on my own to do my little prayers and somehow i seem to get all messed up, i am a firm believer in what it say on page 88 that "we are undisclpined people, so we let god disclpline us in the simple way we have just outlined" I am also a firm believer that I do all of this out of neccessity not virtu. my sponsor say that if he got what he deserved they would fry him for a week straight in the electric chair. Love in the fellowship of the spirit Tracy

Member: Kathy
Location: Northeast
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 2:31:53 PM


Could it be your God is saying "no"??

Member: Heather K
Location: Phoenix, az
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 3:27:38 PM


hi, Heather an recovering alcoholic here, also i find it tough to feel that there is a god stiting up somewhere listening to all of us pray and pray and ask for guidance and he or she hears all of this, yet I do it and it seems to work I do not understand it and I wish I could just sit down and drink a cup of coffee with god and talk to him and see him and i would feel so much better it all wou ld make so much more sense and I know we can't see the wind and we can feel it and all of that, i know this but I still have a hard time with it but I ask god to give me faith I need more faith. I also try kneeling and I feel like a fool and am having a hard time with too. But many people I go to a an aa club place swear by this technique so I have been trying it but not daily I forget. Got to get in the routine of it.

Member: john b
Location: louisville, KY
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 3:59:44 PM


Hi, John alcoholic. I too was the type who wanted to understand God before I'd believe. I was told ,however, that it works the opposite way: first we believe then we understand God - if only a little. Prayer was the same way. I prayed -- on my knees-- until eventually a conscious contact with God occurred. As with so many parts of the program I found that deflation of ego and humility were necessary before I could progress in faith and prayer. Thanks and good topic.

Member: Michael B.
Location: AZ
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 9:19:21 PM


Hi! My name is Michael, and I am a recovering alcoholic and addict, sober today only by the Grace of God and the Fellowship. Thanks for the sincere shares. Welcome newcomers! Lot's of good suggestions here; I'm surprised you haven't heard any of these yet, Donnie. Anyway, one suggestion that has helped me, if you are uncomfortable as well as unfamiliar with praying, is "fake it 'til you make it."

Member: Michael B.
Location: AZ
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 9:19:35 PM


Hi! My name is Michael, and I am a recovering alcoholic and addict, sober today only by the Grace of God and the Fellowship. Thanks for the sincere shares. Welcome newcomers! Lot's of good suggestions here; I'm surprised you haven't heard any of these yet, Donnie. Anyway, one suggestion that has helped me, if you are uncomfortable as well as unfamiliar with praying, is "fake it 'til you make it."

Member: Jason
Location: NYC
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 10:00:41 PM


Hi, Jason, alcoholic. Good topic. I've been an agnostic most of my life. My main problem with God and religion hasn't been so much the faith itself, rather the human institutions that have brought us the Spanish Inquisition, smallpox blankets, burning heretics at the stake, etc. But the 12 and 12 book makes a good point; that sometimes by pointing out the failings of a few religious people, we can feel superior to all of them. The main thing I'm doing is to listen and keep an open mind. I think that will be enough. I'm reading a book on the major religions of the world, and really loving it. Maybe it isn't "prayer" per se, but I spend my morning reflecting on and learning about spirituality. I've really gotten connected to it. I'm new, around 100 days or so. thanks jason

Member: Jason
Location: NYC
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 10:00:57 PM


Hi, Jason, alcoholic. Good topic. I've been an agnostic most of my life. My main problem with God and religion hasn't been so much the faith itself, rather the human institutions that have brought us the Spanish Inquisition, smallpox blankets, burning heretics at the stake, etc. But the 12 and 12 book makes a good point; that sometimes by pointing out the failings of a few religious people, we can feel superior to all of them. The main thing I'm doing is to listen and keep an open mind. I think that will be enough. I'm reading a book on the major religions of the world, and really loving it. Maybe it isn't "prayer" per se, but I spend my morning reflecting on and learning about spirituality. I've really gotten connected to it. I'm new, around 100 days or so. thanks jason

Member: Lisa M
Location: O.S. mississippi
Date: 6/10/2002
Time: 11:15:39 PM


hi i am lisa an alcoholic, this is a great topic. i have had a hard week with why me... i usually do so well with my spirituality and then bam... why has my life had to be so hard? i really needed to read "look in the big book on 84 to 88." that helped me so much when i first got sober. i still want it the easier and softer way. even my past i want God to go back and change all the bad and i know that its impossible. i need to look at the gratitude part of i am alive, my kids made it alive with my drunk driving, i still have my job i love.... i feel better already. good nite i have a date with my big book... thanks for letting me share. God bless, Lisa M

Member: Sara-Rose C.
Location: Alberta Canada
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 2:05:19 AM


Hi i'm Sara-rose and an alcoholic.Just got back from my first meeting after going out and practicing for six months!!I had been sober for seven years-then my stinking thinking came into play!!I forgot to pray and thought that I could control things,boy was I wrong.Feeling pretty stupid right now but know I've at least made a step back to God and the right direction.Pray for me ,please.

Member: Ken C. - dos 06/19/77
Location: Winnipeg
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 5:02:22 AM


I once heard someone say that every good thought is a prayer.

Member: Liz S
Location: new england
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 7:32:14 AM


hi all. some say: if you seek god you've already found god. i've discovered that for me, raging agnostic, that it is all about using the invisible to help me accomplish what seems impossible. i never have, nor do i today, believe in a male judeo/christian/islamic bearded guy in the sky who created us in "his" image but i can and do trust in "something" stronger than my concious, defensive Self. this is what god is for me and talking (singing, chanting, ranting) to that "something" is what prayer is for me. i also love the idea of sister-what's her name, who wrote Dead Man Walking, who said: prayer is less about hurling petitions at god than about listening. listening to dolphins whistling, birds cawing, a choir, whatever, can be listening to god. who knows? i know that i have to ask my higher power to help me out with patience & tolerance everytime i hear the lord's prayer in an aa meeting where i feel it does not belong. i've been hearing about kneework for a long time now in aa and hey - whatever works for you.....just don't make me do it. i've kneeled and i've stood and i've prayed in a curled up fetal position. i've prayed in the subway, at the office, in cafés and in the shower. some of us are helped by prayer in groups (church, synagogues, mosques, whatever) and some of us need to be alone to do it. whatever it takes; and i too faked it til i made it and i still sometimes need to be reminded to listen to what the "invisible" is saying to me. happy 24 to everyone, Liz

Member: Deena S.
Location: PC
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 8:20:05 AM


Welcome back Sara, glad you could. Good morning folks, glad to be sober today and am working on greatful. In early sobriety I wanted to do all things well, I wanted this thing to take. I didn't have a clue as prayer so I asked. I was referred to a couple of prayers in the big book, and what I call the third step and seven step prayers. Releive me from the bondage of self...that one gave me many years of semi-serenity. Eventually I settled on >>>I pray for the knowledge of your will for me and the strength to carry it out. I don't even pray for the knowledge of hp's willl for you. I don't need to know, I am not cleared for that. That's meddling, in my books. may your hp bless you with understanding \ Deena

Member: Stew E
Location: FL
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 8:56:13 AM


Good topic, Donnie. I will look into the BB pages 84 to 88 as reccommended. This is an area that I think one can always grow. Despite a formal Roman atholic catholisism, I have a very informal idea of how to pray....whenever, however and wherever you want. Simply addess your thoughts to "your higher power". I call mine God.

Member: Kim D.
Location: Bridgewater
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 12:11:53 PM


Good topic, Donnie. Funny, but how I pray today was not how I prayed 2 years ago and hopefully will not be the way I pray 2 years from now. The more I learn in AA through the 12 Steps of recovery, the more I see things differently. Thank Goodness for growth! Anyway, today I get on my knees. This is a new spin on my praying - I've only been doing it for about 2 months but it does feel different to humble myself before my HP. Then I thank my HP for the day ahead of me and ask that he direct my thoughts, my words and my deeds away from SELF and that I have the willingness to follow his Will for me. At the end of my day, I get on my knees and Thank my HP for another day sober. By now I've reviewed my day and know where my short falls are and perhaps there are people in pain who need help. Before bed is when I pray for the courage to change character defects that popped up during the day and for those who are suffering in one way or another. Hey - it works for me. The big thing is that I'm willing... bring the body and mind will follow. It has gotten easier with TIME.

Member: Rich P
Location: Colorado
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 12:49:06 PM


I keep a running dialogue with God in my head. I wake up and thank God for the good feeling I have, even if I am tired or sore, I an NOT hung over. Then as things happen, good bad or indifferent, I talk to God about them. Look at that mountain with the sun hitting it, thanks God.....reading an article about a baby with a genetic disorder, "What is this about God? You seem mean sometimes.".....being treated rudely at the store, "Be with that rude person God and be with me today.".........I think you get the picture. I don't hold anything back, I cuss, I rant, I mean...He/She knows how childish I am anyway, it's not like I can fool him/her. ((Sarah-Rose C.)) Welcome back, I went out and sampled the waters myself recently. I am more grateful than ever for my sobriety today, possibly because I went back out. After lamenting once about not making it into AA sooner, someone in my home group said, "You drank the exact perfect amount of alcohol to get you in here and what matters is that you're here." Peace

Member: Joe P.
Location: Chicago
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 4:16:20 PM


My name is Joe, I’m an alcoholic. Grateful to be sober today. “How to pray”. A guy from my home group says, “The power of prayer is the practice of prayer”. One of the first things I do each morning after getting up is to get on my knees, thank God for waking me up alive and intact, and ask Him to not let me drink that day. Later in the morning, I again hit my knees and say the 3rd and 7th step prayers before having a quiet time. During the day, I try to be mindful to thank God when events go well, and ask for help when my character defects are flaring up. My favorite prayer, which I say quite a lot, is “God, please don’t let me think this way”. Another guy from my home group often says, “God is a gentleman, so say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.” At the end of the day, I conduct a final review of my day, thanking God and asking for more help where I need more help. And finally, I thank God for that day sober. Most of my praying during the day isn’t formal, just talking with God, but I find it helpful to me to have structured prayer time at the beginning and the end of the day.

Member: Britt b
Location: GA
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 4:36:19 PM


Hi my name is Britt and I am an alcoholic. My thought on the subject of prayer has changed with my time in the program. When I first entered into the fellowship of AA I had to “fake it” because I did not know any other way. I was told to “pray “ at the same time every day so I would become more comfortable with it. The only prayer I said at first was the serenity prayer. At this point in my program most of my prayers are gratitude prayers or at least end up being that way. I was also told in the beginning that if I was having a problem with the God thing I should think or it as Good Orderly Direction. Thanks for letting me share.

Member: Steve J
Location: New York
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 5:12:55 PM


Simply put - for me, praying is any thoughts or "conversations" with my HP....or even using the slogans & 12x12

Member: Margaret P (DOS 10-15-2000)
Location: Dallas, TX
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 6:57:24 PM


Hi I'm Margaret and I am a grateful alcoholic..There is no right or wrong way to pray..All I have to remember is that there is a God and I am not him..I know early on the things that helped me learn to pray was working with a sponsor who has a strong spiritual progaram and reading the book "Came to Believe".I know God hears my prayers and answers them, but it may not be what I want..All I know is that my thinking I knew what was best for me got me a seat in Alcoholics Anonymous.To each of you take care and God Bless

Member: KeithB
Location: Detroit
Date: 6/11/2002
Time: 10:29:56 PM


Wow! what a wonderful experience this has been. My name is Keith and I''m an alcholic. I struggle with getting on my knees sometimes. I know that God hears me whether I pray on my knees or quietly at my desk or even during an important meeting at work but when I'm lying in bed or too tired to get down on my knees I think about all those times when I didn't feel like going to the liquor store, but found the strength to do so. I'm grateful today for prayer. God as I understand him has made some of my dreams come true and has given me visions of new dreams. Think about it this way; getting on your knees certainly won't hurt anything. The program talks about going that extra mile, perhaps this is the one thing that my prevent a relapse in your recovery. Besides, lol..don't know about you, but I spent a lot of time on my knees throwing up so I might as well spend a lot of time there now praying to get better. thanks

Member: Jack B
Location: Palo Alto, Pa
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 2:10:33 AM


Hi, I am Jack, a real alcoholic. Prayer for me consists of thanking God for life another day and asking his Grace to help me to stay sober another day.The Lord's Prayer asks God's grace for everything I need during the day along with the Serenity Prayer. Thanks for allowing me to share and God Bless.

Member: Robert F.
Location: Taiwan
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 10:09:56 AM


Read a great line the other day: "God is not a short-order cook."

Member: Deena
Location: fla panhandle
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 10:20:26 AM


Hi yall, I used to wake up angry, and then after I got sober I began getting on my knees to say prayer every morning, and found it is difficult to get or stay angry when on my knees. Somehow I just can't get the proper attitude for it. May have to do with humility. I know that bending knee thing works wonders for me. Ego interferes with prayer for me. I believe that I may be doing it better, after all this time I still come to beleive that. Can you imagine it? I don't have to .

Member: Tomcat R
Location: Hammonds plains N.S.
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 1:01:14 PM


Hi fellow members,Tom here,sober alcoholic.Great topic/Great discussion/ My first time joining in.I'll share short & sweet. A good friend& fellow member once shared with me when I was moving through a crisis during my recovery that GOD loves me& there's nothing I can do about it.At that time I was feeling a fair bit of pain& feeling quite hurt also.As I continued to reach out ,go to meetings,share my feelings and tried to listen to others the best I could I realized things were starting to change and I was starting to heal.Now when my friend shares that same quote with me or me with him my response is yes I know GOD loves me and I now have the choice to love him back. NO god[of your understanding]No peace Know GOD Know Peace. Thanks for loving me back to health. Have a great 24 of your choice

Member: AZbill
Location: Sierra Vista, Arizona
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 1:55:50 PM


HI All, Bill here, Alcoholic from Arizona. Nice topic Donnie. By the way, I lived and worked in West(by God)Virginia. At a cancer research lab in Stonewood. I lived just east of Nutter Fort on WVA Hiway 20. Good meetings there. I use the Third Step prayer. Nothing fancy. I feel that it says it all. Been using it from the beginning. Don't know whether it is that prayer or just the steps alone that is working for me. All I know is I haven't had a drink in a long time. Haven't wanted a drink in a long time. Afraid to stop now. This matter of prayer is a touchy subject for many. It is usually predicated on the age old Religion vs Spirituality arguments. It really needn't be. There are and have been a lot of atrocities done in the name of religion(s). Are these deeds God's fault? Or God made. I really don't think so. I will tell you why. God gave us humans free will. God gave me the free will to drink or not to drink as I choose. Now, if I do drink then it is not God's choice but mine. I was one of those who faked it 'til I made it. Thank whoever posted that. Been a long time since I have heard it. This whole matter of God became very clear to me when I read "Sermon on the Mount" by Emmet Fox. I feel free to recommend this book because it is one of three references that Bill Wilson used to write the Big Book. In it Fox writes that God is a spiritual entity and not a religious entity. God is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution. :). Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi who authored the Lord's Prayer, was against organized religion and is (or was) a spiritual entity. Just because most people do worship God or Jesus does not make either associated with any single religious organization. In a nut shell, and remembering our gift of free will. God makes good. Man makes evil. Now where are we to find this God?. Page 55 in the Big Book. Even though He may be covered up by calamity and other things, deep down inside of every human being is the fundamental concept of God. You can build on it from there. Still not sure of a God? That's ok. Let me give you simple prayer that will work. "Hey God if you are really, really up there.... HELP !!" I have no idea of what God's will is for me today. But I do believe two things. He does not want me to be a drunk and He does not want me to be a fool. If I take a drink I will be both. Thanks Bill,

Member: Bobby G. (D.O.S. 8/28/74
Location: Memphis, TN
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 4:49:13 PM


I am an alcoholic and my name is Bobby. My prayers are thanks to God and to help me do the right thing. When asked to speak at an open speaker meeting, I ask God to help me say something that will help someone. I used to claim I was agnostic, but really, I was afraid God would zap me for the way I was living. I do not know what form God takes, because I do not possess the level of intellect (and IMHO, no one does). I just pray and I see and hear the answers in meetings. Bobby

Member: Mike V
Location: England
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 5:02:07 PM


All this talk of god makes me want a drink

Member: trish
Location: ind
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 5:10:46 PM


lots of comments on this but very short ones at most wonder why?? to pray for me is not only asking god but mostly thanking god .I wish everyone could do the same but I know sometimes to be thankfull is hard to find for some people .what are you most thankfull for?? hopeully lots!! everyone must have at least something. right???

Member: Jim F
Location: Guilin, China
Date: 6/12/2002
Time: 7:19:47 PM


Jim, alcoholic. It has been said in this thread already but I am reminded of something Singing Sam used to say: The steps talk about prayer and meditation. Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening. I've never forgotten those words and still like them. In Lutheran grade school, I used to get A's in prayer, just flowery words with no true sentiment behind them. In AA, I started out with Help and Thank you. They are often still enough. The promises in the steps did come true for me: I had that spiritual awakening. Since then, I have had no problem praying. I no longer even worry about the grade. Jim from Sequim

Member: Annie V
Location: zmidwest
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 12:11:37 AM


I met a real person through prayer. His name is Jesus Christ. Ask him into your heart and he will allow you to hear his voice. He said, that his sheep HEAR and RECOGNIZE his voice.Learn from the master how he prayed.. It will keep you sober..

Member: Jack B
Location: Palo Alto, Pa
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 2:59:21 AM


Hi, I am Jack, a real alcoholic. To Annie V thanks Annie its wonderful to hear Jesus Christ mentioned in this day and age. God has truly blessed you. Take care of yourself and thanks for saying what a lot of people need to hear.

Member: Shirley T
Location: N.Z.
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 6:18:07 AM


I'm Shirley and an alcoholic and so long as I can attend this meeting on line amd f2f meetings I hope I never forget it. Really good topic this week. Like Britt b in the beginning I just faked my praying I'm sure because I had grave doubts about God. I do not know when I crossed the line from fake into belief but somewhere I did and my sobriety journey has been taken with my loving God ever since. I think my praying is more a form of conversation with God. Several have given information where help is offered in the BB - just follow directions and keep it simple. Thank you all for your sharing

Member: Chris R.
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 5:50:19 PM


I am a virgin to the AA community. But, my life style says I fit right in. Any comments welcome.

Member: Valerie M.
Location: Canada
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 6:35:56 PM


The Power of Prayer! Whatever you believe in... whether it be a man in the sky or just that we are all connected and God is a part of all of us... I really believe in the power of prayer. Aside from being thankful every day, I pray for my brother in France, who is also an alcoholic. He almost lost his job and his family, but managed to get help and get sober before that actually happened. I know that the prayers from my family and from myself must have done something! He thinks so, too.

Member: Kamil S.
Location: Camp Pendleton, CA
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 8:04:11 PM


The power of prayer when dealing with this disease on occasion can simply save your life. For instance, using prayer to help get you through the day just one more time before you give up on life, taking that shot of Brandy that may send your mind into a state that you may never recover from, or drinking a bottle of Merlot before driving to work...Just a moment in prayer may have just been the antidote needed for the time being.

Member: Jake
Location: Work
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 9:07:44 PM


To Mike V, from England. All this talk of God should make you NOT want a drink. You must have came to Staying Cyber for a real reason, and I hope that you're not getting confused. If you have a desire to stop drinking, then try a f2f meeting, or talk with a recovering alcololic. God's spirit is within us all. All we have to do is to call upon that spirit to help us to move on with our lives, and to work the program of AA. Good luck, and - What a pleasure to reach way across the mighty Atlantic, in hopes of helping another ! P.S. Try to trust in God. I put little trust in myself. - It is Him that works through me.

Member: Jennifer
Location: South Carolina
Date: 6/13/2002
Time: 9:58:49 PM


Jenn-grateful alcoholic here:) AA in the South has overall been a strange and funny adventure. Prayer on your knees is suggested. I was told that if that was a problem for me than I should throw my shoes under the bed every night. So when I got up I would have to start my day in a prayerful position... so I might as well say a few words to God while I was down there! Cute,huh? Anyway, of course, that doesn't really matter about how we pray, or how we take the steps, or how we apply the traditions, or how we do anything in AA really. Just that we start. I've modified my program as I've learned from my mistakes. And boy have I made some doosies!! As long as I don't drink today and am willing to change as my conscious becomes clearer then all is well in my world:) go

Member: Keith O. K.
Location: Kingstowne, VA
Date: 6/14/2002
Time: 5:40:08 AM


Keith here: If not for the strength I receive from this life giving fellowship and my constant maintenance of a conscious contact, I certainly would not be. One of the greatest hindrances in coming to our HP is the excuse of our own individual temperament. We make our temperament and our natural desires barriers to coming to know our HP through a conscious contact.. Yet the first thing we realize when we do come to our HP in prayer is that He pays no attention whatsoever to our natural desires. We have the idea that we can dedicate our gifts to God. However, you cannot dedicate what is not yours. There is actually only one thing you can dedicate to the HP, and that is your right to yourself. If you will give your HP your right to yourself, He will make a wonderful experiment out of you—and His experiments always succeed. The one true mark of a listening alcoholic is the inner creativity that flows from being totally surrendered to the HP. This is what Bill W. always sought out and it seems to work for me. In the life of a listening alcoholic there is this amazing Well, which is a continual Source of original life. The Spirit of the HP is a Well of water springing up perpetually fresh. I now realize that it is my HP who engineers his circumstances; consequently there are no complaints, only unrestrained surrender to my HP. Never try to make your experience a principle for others, but allow your HP to be as creative and original with others as He is with you. If you abandon everything to your HP, and come when He says, "Come," then He will continue to say, "Come," through you. You will go out into the world reproducing the echo of your HP’s "Come." That is the result in every soul who has abandoned all and come to a conscious contact. Today I am most grateful that I have a HP behind me so I can face anything before me.

Member: Curtis L
Location: Goliad, Texas
Date: 6/14/2002
Time: 4:03:14 PM


Hi Folks. Great day to be sober and semi-sane. I'm an alcoholic named Curtis. Topic: How do you pray? Answer: Anyway I can. Lots of good sharing above. All I have is my experience. My jailhouse/foxhole prayers didn't work. My AA prayers seem to work. Difference; my attitude. I've surrendered. I'm grateful to my HP that I call God. About fifteen years ago, I thought I'd put HP in traffic signals because he can be anywhere and everywhere. Drove a lot and therefore had contact with lots of traffic signals. Green, thanked him for speeding my journey. Red, thanked hit for teaching me patience. Yellow, THINK, THINK, THINK, also listen. Couldn't lose. I, too, needed to be on my knees frequently. Have stopped on desolate highway before daylight in mornings, and kneeled in the rain because I'd been in too much of a hurry when I left the house. Retired now, and have a little pond a few hundred yards from the house. Just before dark, 30 minutes or so, like to go to the pond, feed the fish, and talk and listen to God. Mother Nature is a part of my conception of God, and the late evening is when the night critters start becoming active and I hear all sorts of sounds. Frogs, coyotes, owls, etc. So peaceful. At night,I thank God for the good and the seemingly bad. In the morning knee time, I ask for another sober day, knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry it out. Please don't let me intentionally harm another human being. That's it. K.I.S.S. Keep It So Simple During the day when approaching a tense or troublesome encounter, I try to get calm and ask God to let me say and do the things that he would have me say and do. Works for me.

Member: AnnieM
Location: NY
Date: 6/14/2002
Time: 4:49:55 PM


To Chris R -- Welcome! keep coming back, go to a face to face meeting, get phone numbers of people at the meeting that you can call when you need to, and check out of Coffee Pot page where you can ask questions galore! Good luck to you....

Member: Bentley J.
Location: Red Hill, PA
Date: 6/14/2002
Time: 5:33:56 PM


I'd like to ask that members who do pray, say a prayer for me tonight.

Member: mark j
Location: england
Date: 6/14/2002
Time: 6:35:59 PM


hi mark here, thanx donnie and everyone for the insight on praying. foxholes!! Ha, been there, me and my god were sick, for a long time, meaning my perception of him!was warped, from a young age, early soberiety brought going to church,trying on shoes that didnt fit, then i started the 12steps, this is where i truely found my loving god, 11th step says pray ONLY for the knowledge of his will, and the power to carry that out! well that'll do for me! thax m,,

Member: Gage
Location: Louisiana
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 1:48:48 AM


Hi, I'm Gage and I'm an alcoholic. Donnie, I'm pretty new at this myself, but I think that if any of us really want to talk with God and we really want to know what it is he would have us do, then there probably isn't any wrong way to talk with him. A quiet place might help.

Member: anonymous alcoholic
Location: 2689 Ridgecrst Drive
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 8:42:46 AM


Thanks for the topic Donnie. Sounds simple enough ... how do I pray? Well, I get on my knees each morning and night. While I'm on my knees, I try to 'talk' to God. I ask God to help me stay sober during the day. I ask him to show me his will for me today. And I (sometimes) ask for the power to carry out his will for me. I say 'sometimes' because sometimes I don't ask for that. Those are probably the days when I am not 'spiritually fit'. At night, I usual just say 'thanks' and hop into bed. Besides those 2 prayer times, I also say prayers (like the Serenity Prayer and the Lord's Prayer at meetings and church). But, I must admit, a lot of times when I recite a prayer, I'm not really 'talking to God'. I mean, my mind is elsewhere. That's too bad because those are both really good prayers and I really should be paying attention. Thanks.

Member: Keith P
Location: New Jersey
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 1:29:32 PM


Keith Alcoholic. Welcome to Chris R. Keep comin man, this very well may be the best thing you could ever do for yourself. Youd be amazed at how much better life gets each day as you stay sober. I myself am at my first online meeting. I have been sober for like 11 months now, and ive only just been exposed to these. I reccamond to chris to go to the intergroup website and look for ftf meetings in his area. Get some numbers, get some books, get a sponser and work up a good support network.

Member: AnilG
Location: Mt Vernon,IL
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 3:02:30 PM


I am an alcoholic and an addict to me "How to pray "is what is in your heart. and what u do day to day.If u have God /goodness/kindness and practice spiturialty then you will always do the right thing. that is why i do what I feel follow and feed on god and his words. and to me that is praying. thanks to aa and alonon.

Member: LauraW
Location: Austin: Music Capital of the World
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 3:39:43 PM


Hi, my name is Laura and I think I can finally say--and mean it--"I am an alcoholic." I, like the lady above, had 7 years of sobriety. Gave it up to prove to myself I wasn't an alcoholic. I may have lost the bet, but I will win because I know where to go to address my problem. I haven't made it to a meeting yet, but am thrilled to find something online to push me back in that direction, to reconnect me to the program. See, your prayers DO work!!! In my time "out"--2 1/2 years now--I feel my drinking has contributed to my losing conscious contact with God. I miss that more than I miss sobriety. I have continued to recite the BB prayer--I think it's from page 84 ("On awakening let us think about the 24 hours ahead...Before we begin we ask God to direct our thinking...")--every morning on my way to work. I have continued a relationship with my patient and always-there-for-me sponsor who somehow has kept the faith that I would find my way back some day. Reading through this discussion has made me smile, made me tear. It has made me want again what you all have!! I will be ON MY KNEES tonight thanking God for everyone of you and your gift to me today. Thank you, Thank God and AMEN!

Member: Earl M
Location: Mass
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 4:05:00 PM


I don't have the faintest idea of how to pray. I am at a loss at forty years of age of how to combat this. I know this is where I should be (AA), but it just isn't happening for me. I need help! I have got no problem saying I'm an alcoholic, cause that's what I am, but I can't seem to surender myself to "GOD". I have no faith in GOD or myself for that matter. I'm desperately hoping someone may have a direction for me to follow. Thanks

Member: Chris H.
Location: Fla.
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 4:39:43 PM


I'm CHRis ---I'm an alcoholic/addict/Bulimic---On the topic of prayer...Prayer has never been hard for me, but knowing what God is really like has. This program has helped me to understand that. I have recently realized (again) that He wants me to be unscrupulously honest with myself and you people. I have realized lately how" unsober" I have been. I have not had a drink, but alcohol is not my drug of choice. Food and pills are. I have been rationalizing that I have not been as "Bad" as I used to be with my eating and pill taking. But I have been on a downward spiral...and my eating had gotten pretty close to what it used to be and I was playing with pills. I went to a face to face meeting yesterday ( I have been to very few lately) and felt very disconected from everyone (even thought it was a great meeting) because I did not tell them the truth about myself. I was ashamed. Then I realized that the truth was what I needed to tell them and the GOd of my understanding tells me, " That the truth shall set you free"....FREE is what I want to be! AND, as I have learned in this program, I need not fear what God wants for me because it is always good. The other thing that the GOd of my understani=ding says is that HE" desires Truth in the inmost parts"...that sure fits into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous...Step 4 if I'm not mistaken...One of the things that was talked about in yesterday's meeting was that we don't need to try to be perfectionists. I have sure tried to be one in my relationship with freeing it is not to have to do that!!!I hope this has stayed close enough to the topic, but I needed to share the truth about myself today!!!

Member: fred
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 4:54:59 PM


hay can someone explain what the 12 setp are

Member: andyr
Location: u.k.
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 8:16:50 PM


my names Andy and and i'm an alcoholic, plus first time visitor to this site, and very impressed by it. genuine feelings of warmth comes across - surprised me that it would over a pc. i;ll be on my knees tonight when i say the serenity prayer- something i never would have thought of before- thanks ((fred)))Have look under if that link doesn't work have a look under type in "twelve steps + alcoholics anonymous", i'm sure they'll have something there. Thanks to all for sharing and letting me share

Member: john b
Location: taiwan
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 9:10:42 PM


Hi, John alcohol. I'm from KY but on trip to Taiwan and unable to find meeting here. Wouldn'tbein English anyway. So glad to find a cyber meeting to help me stay sane and connected today. Several heavy drinkers on this trip. Prayer and meditation for me means quite time in the morning being still/meditating for God's will and appreciating God's peace. Then, on my knees praying. Took awhile before I made what I now know is conscious contact with God. So glad AA helped me find God of my understanding. During most my drinking I "wanted" to believe in God, but was too stubborn and defiant to follow any religions. But now have open mind to religious teachings and find they are very compatible with AA. God bless all. So honored to be a member of AA and find I can feel at home 10,000 miles away. John

Member: john b
Location: taiwan
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 9:11:02 PM


Hi, John alcohol. I'm from KY but on trip to Taiwan and unable to find meeting here. Wouldn'tbein English anyway. So glad to find a cyber meeting to help me stay sane and connected today. Several heavy drinkers on this trip. Prayer and meditation for me means quite time in the morning being still/meditating for God's will and appreciating God's peace. Then, on my knees praying. Took awhile before I made what I now know is conscious contact with God. So glad AA helped me find God of my understanding. During most my drinking I "wanted" to believe in God, but was too stubborn and defiant to follow any religions. But now have open mind to religious teachings and find they are very compatible with AA. God bless all. So honored to be a member of AA and find I can feel at home 10,000 miles away. John

Member: Rick R
Location: Redding, CA
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 9:28:33 PM


I have always had a belief in a higher power, just not any particular religion. My prayers use to be me wanting something from God. I usually did not get what I asked for. Today, with the help of my AA friends, I realize I must listen as well as speak. Today I have only three prayers: 1. To thank my higher power for my sobriety. 2. To ask for knowledge of his will and the power to carry it out. 3. the serenity prayer. I am more at peace today than I ever have been in my life. It amazes me the life I have and it all started with the first step, acknowledging I was powerless over alcohol. Earl, my recommendation is to go to meetings often and be open to the possibility of a higher power. I have known people who had as their higher power the friends in AA. They were sober and had something the people could not find on their own. Good Luck.

Member: ZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!
Date: 6/15/2002
Time: 11:17:41 PM



Member: Sara-Rose C.
Location: Alberta Canada
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 12:24:01 AM


Hi Sara-Rose here a returning alcoholic-been sober for six days now and I have your meeting and God to thank for it.Sometimes I feel like I don.t really believe but I fake it and the feeling does come back that ther is someone out ther who loves me and wants the best life for me that i can make.Say a little one for me please.God Bless.Sara-Rose.

Member: Ross
Location: Maine
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 1:51:54 AM


Hi, I'm Ross,alcoholic, addict. Prayer is what you do when you finally realize you're not in 'control' of everything, all the time, everywhere. And maybe you want to know what is? Even if it seems like nothing is. So you stand back and you take a look at how things really do operate in this life, now that your not blowing your mind out into the next universe. Its amazing what you will see with clear eyes. Who's driving and where are we going. Thats the substance of my prayers.

Member: Sara-Rose C.
Location: Alberta Canada
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 2:25:04 AM


Hi Sara-Rose here a returning alcoholic-been sober for six days now and I have your meeting and God to thank for it.Sometimes I feel like I don.t really believe but I fake it and the feeling does come back that ther is someone out ther who loves me and wants the best life for me that i can make.Say a little one for me please.God Bless.Sara-Rose.

Member: Robert K.
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 2:44:47 AM


Hello friends.I believe prayer is a state of mind.Exercising kindnes and truth in all of our dealings with people keeps us in a prayerful state of mind.Bless you all. A.A. works.

Member: Jeff T.
Location: Ne.
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 3:18:01 AM


How do i pray, on my knee`s! Sometimes i am formal about it i resite the lord`s prayer, 3rd step or 7th step prayer or at times i`ll just talk to him. My sponser told me don`t make it to hard just drop to your knees & do it. God`s there just talk to him. As someone else said the big book has a clear cut set of instructions on who to go about, just do it. Prayer & meditation is a must for long term sobriety. This i believe is all there is to it for me, it has worked for 13 years now, ican never express my gratitude for what AA has tought me, thanks for listening....

Member: maureen w.
Location: Oregon
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 4:01:53 AM


This is for Sally in Atlanta, We have the same God, are you stupid? He is responsive, he made you! Why i don't know.(this goes way back to the begining) Anyway, God bless you, I hope you figure it out. With Love Maureen

Member: PEP
Location: NZ
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 4:43:11 AM


The wisdom of our founders was amazing. They did not suggest we believe in ONE particular God but a God of our own understanding. They too like me, struggled with the religeous concept. The God of my understanding is not the same as anyone elses, which allows me to be part of this wonderful programme of spirituality.The programme also allows for those with different beliefs to mine to be part of it too. I used to ask God for 'me' in my prayers but learnt from the wise to simply ask not to be given anything today that God and I can't handle together.....and you know....up to today he hasn't. God bless

Member: AZbill
Location: Sierra Vista, Arizona
Date: 6/16/2002
Time: 11:04:39 AM


Fred email me.. I maybe can help Bill